Tag Archives: Jay-Z

The Beyoncé Video Collection: Woah. “Drunk in Love”


Over the next few weeks, I will feature a weekly video critique from Beyoncé’s self-titled album. I intended on mainly critiquing “Drunk in Love”. Then I realized B has got multiple music video gems simultaneously poppin’. Cut to:


“Drunk in Love”–lyrically and visually this video has taken a lot of heat. Maybe because it oozes racy hot sex. It is a video that fits its simplistic message. And it works. The black and white ocean scene sets the backdrop for a steamy, scantily-clad Beyoncé shaking it .


Most videos today run on sexually explicit material anyway. The difference is most of them are stale.  There aren’t a million back up dancers or stripper poles in this. Not a lot of prop. Just the basics. That is what sets it apart.

beyonce8 The whole point of this song is to convey a real night of hot passion. One that probably really goes down between Jay and B. Or at least we think it does.

All video credit, stills and rights to: Vevo, Hype Williams, , Jay-Z,Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment